25375 Loten Way
Veneta, OR 97487
Sales Information - click for printable sales document
The TRA-1004 is a replacement trailing arm kit for OEM products which are now failing at an alarming rate.
If you are the owner of a Monaco, Safari, Beaver or Holiday Rambler motorhome using the RR4R or R4R chassis, we STRONGLY suggest that you contact one of our authorized service centers as soon as possible to schedule an inspection of your trailing arms.
The OEM trailing arms are no longer covered by any factory warranty, although some extended service plans do cover their replacement.
Trailing Arm Replacement Schedule
The Trailing Arm kit includes all new axle mounting hardware and has a powder-coat finish for ultimate corrosion resistance. These kits are built to address the original OEM parts installed at the factory and also supplied as replaement parts for field repairs. Our parts are many times stronger than the no-longer-available OEM parts, and our simple bolt-in design makes field replacement simple for any repair facility.
Even if you have already had parts replaced due to failure, the parts used are the same design as the original and may fail. When the stock part fails, damage to shocks, air bags, driveshaft etc. are common and can be quite expensive to repair. Avoid the tow bill, added cost and weeks of delay in your travel plans, not to mention the risk associated with the loss of control of your vehicle while underway. Our trailing arms are shot-peened prior to powder coat and are covered by a limited life-time warranty.