25375 Loten Way
Veneta, OR 97487
I wanted to thank you and your staff at Source Engineering for your excellent work on my 2005 Monico Diplomat. My 300 mile drive home was incredible - I was amazed at how improved the handling and stability was. No more problems getting blasted off the road by passing semi-trucks, no problems with ruts from semi-trucks, and no more problems with the notorious cross-winds of the Columbia River Gorge!
In two years, this was the first time I could relax and drive this coach while drinking a cup of coffee.
Troy Thompson
Good morning Jim, Just wanted to thank you for the job of installing the eight bag steering kit on my 2004 holiday rambler endeavor. Since leaving your shop in early November we have put on approximately 2000 miles. My unit went from two handed steering and scaring me at times to one-handed steering and a very enjoyable drive. The porpoising has really diminished, the speed now being able to maintain through a corner with no leaning is incredible. When passing other big rigs or semi’s I feel no too little wash. I highly recommend this system on anybody with an eight bag holiday rambler or Monaco suspension. This has been the best money spent on my unit since I bought it eight years ago. The only regret I have is why did I not do this earlier. Thank you again Jim for getting us in and getting us out the same day and on the road for a fabulous vacation.
Best regards Doug and Kat.
We performed a road test on our Holiday Rambler Ambassador after installing the REK-281 kit. Major improvement, body roll was barely noticeable (all items stayed put in the cupboards), porpoising was gone and brake dive was eliminated. It was really windy the day of the test which may not have been the best evaluation method for the steering stabilizer. I do suspect that it was working hard to minimize wind effects. We are both very impressed and glad we spent the money and time to upgrade the coach suspension.
The original Monroe shocks which had only 9200 miles were shot! Two of the shocks had no rebound and minimal compression. Another four shocks barely had any rebound at all. Of the eight, only one shock had strong compressive resistance and a fast rebound.
During the road test, I noticed a fair amount of squeaking coming from the driver front side. I will recheck the greasing of the poly bushings and shock mounting. Hopefully this will cure the squeak issue.
Roadmaster frame design added a level of difficulty for installation of the shocks but all processes were straight forward and the instructions were clear. I do have two "helpful hints": 1) I suggest adding a note to the kit addressing that the front sway bar axle bracket and the steering stabilizer axle bracket will utilize the same axle bolt (this will save time and frustration for those that do not "see" this during their instruction evaluation); 2) on installing the rear sway bar, had I drilled the holes at 7.5" verses the 6" would position the sway bar arm frame bracket further to the rear adding additional clearance from the inside tire (maybe this would only work for the roadmaster frame).
Installed your Motion Control Units on my 2008 Country Coach Intrigue Jubilee 45'. Porpise (sp) and side to side motion greatly decreased. Front end dive during braking also substantially reduced. Better half said the coach looked much more stable as she followed me. Money well spent. thank you for a great product
Hi Jim, just a note to let you know wife and I are very pleased with the ride improvement your shocks have made in our 2004 45' Monaco Signature. I had a chance to drive one of the new 45' coaches this week and must say the ride of our 11 year old coach with your shocks (installed two weeks ago) is far better than that of the new coach.
The new shocks work well. 527 miles back to Carson City over every type of road except gravel, from smooth new asphalt to rutted, potholed and tar-stripped concrete. Best description is the coach is now more sure-footed, particularly on bad concrete/rough roads, and at higher speed of 70-75. Definitely reduces the driving drama at freeway speeds.
Thanks again,
2008 Camelot
hey jim, first I want to say thank you to you and scott for a fine engineered product. I was getting motion sickness from the ride of our vesta not to mention the stuff in the cabinets were never where we put them after traveling. we are enjoying the very enhanced and controlled ride of our coach. installation wasn't that bad either. I am an auto mechanic so have the facility and equipment, wouldn't recommend in the driveway! instructions were right on the money. can't believe roadmaster didn't do this from the start. also the after sale support was like no other I have dealt with. these guys are top of the game! thanks again, mark and monica...Louisiana.